For this week’s Tuesday Tag, let’s talk about SURE and FAUST—graffiti writers whose tags appear next to each other so often that they are often mistaken for one person. The two were originally drawn to each other because of how much they had in common—stylistically and beyond—and met in 2001 through mutual friends. In the years to come, they had become a duo; they drew upon the same influences, developed related styles and hit the streets together.

SURE and FAUST are well known for their sticker work (which can be found on just about any Manhattan street if you are looking for them) and their distinctive handstyles.

“Often times on the street, one of us will write both names while the other looks out so a lot of the time they are done by the same person.” -FAUST in Martha Cooper’s book Name Tagging.

Name Tagging
includes a six page spread with an interview and several works by SURE and FAUST. They also gained some notoriety in DB Burkeman’s recent book, Stickers: Stuck-Up Piece of Crap: From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art.

Courtesy SURE and FAUST’s joint flickr page.
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From the post on Brooklyn Street Art:
Last night he was killed in Afghanistan where he was stationed as an Intelligence Officer in the United States Marine Corps. Sure was born and bred in Brooklyn and recognized for his exceptional handstyle which brought together elements of classic New York graffiti with ornamental calligraphy. His script signatures could be found throughout the city and were a major influence on myself and countless others.

Many prominent writers paid tribute to SURE, like in this piece by SMART Crew.
“Sure was like a brother to me. He was my partner-in-crime and my best friend. I am grateful for the time we had and that everywhere I go in New York City I see his name and know that his presence will be felt by many long after his passing”.
Find countless other works by SURE and FAUST on their flickr page.